Initial steps

Creating the log archive account

Make sure to replace ${ACCOUNT_EMAIL} with a correct mail address which you have access to.

AWS_PROFILE=myorg-master aws organizations create-account --email ${ACCOUNT_EMAIL} --account-name "Log archive"

The response should look like this:

    "CreateAccountStatus": {
        "Id": "car-ldsfjdflsjldfsjlsdffjlfds",
        "AccountName": "Log archive",
        "State": "IN_PROGRESS",
        "RequestedTimestamp": 1562429570.66

Setting up account access for the CLI

The role OrganizationAccountAccessRole is automatically created in the new account.
This allows access for all the users in the Administrators group.

Enhance the file ~/.aws/config as follows:

[profile myorg-log-archive]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole
mfa_serial = ${MFA_SERIAL}
source_profile = myorg-master

Replace ${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID} with the account id of log archive and ${MFA_SERIAL} with the MFA serial of your user.

Get the account id as follows:

AWS_PROFILE=myorg-master aws organizations list-accounts --query 'Accounts[?Name==`Log archive`].Id' --output text

Testing CLI access

Type in the following command to check if CLI access is working:

AWS_PROFILE=myorg-log-archive aws sts get-caller-identity

The response should look as follows:

    "UserId": "AROAS6SDLJKFLJDJFDKLFDL:botocore-session-1562431482",
    "Account": "20123434555",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::20123434555:assumed-role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole/botocore-session-1562431482"